Understanding Agile - Story Points

Jan 15th, 2016

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Teams use story points to forecast when work will be ready. Let’s take a closer look at what they are...
Story points are the way our teams forecast the time it takes to complete work. It is a measure of relativity rather than a direct correlation to a number of man days, but it does consider the effort involved in the work. We use a variation of the Fibonacci sequence (1,2,3,5,8,13,20,40,100) to give us a numbering system.


We then work out roughly how many story points a team can complete within a set time, and we call this the velocity. Using the velocity and the number of story points in a project, we can forecast a date that the work will be completed on. The product owner then tracks this on a burn down chart.

Velocity is variable depending on holidays, sick leave and the number of members in a team, but we have a good sample of data to be able to model patterns. Story points can be confusing as many people try to convert them to a number of days, but that’s not their purpose.

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1 comment :

  1. Another reason for using story points is that the individual members of the team consider the story and initially determine their own point value independent of other team members. All team members reveal their point value at the same time, and any significant variations in value is a good catalyst for further discussion of the difficulty and effort involved, potentially revealing unconsidered factors.
