Old habits needn't die hard

Did you resolve to embrace insurtech this year, to reap the benefits of improved customer experience, get your products to market more quickly or simply resolve to be more efficient?
With January fast coming to a close, have you forgotten or are you ignoring those resolutions that you made at New Year? You’re not alone, research shows that 63% of Britons have failed to keep a resolution and 66% of these didn’t manage to keep them for a whole month.
As the year progresses it becomes harder to keep our new habits; the same research shows that less than 14% permanently adopt their resolutions. The majority of us drift back in to our old comfortable ways and find ourselves making the same resolutions for next year.
It doesn’t have to be like this, you don’t have to work alone, you can partner with RDT. Using our expertise in technology and insurance we can help you to achieve your goals.
We can help you revolutionise your customer onboarding by using external data enrichment to minimise the questions and time required for your customers to get a fully underwritten quote.
Our suite of products cover all parts of the insurance chain allowing you to realise efficiencies across distribution, underwriting and claims settlement.
Contact us to find out how we can help you

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