Friday, 24 April 2015

Steve Knight calls time on 50-yr career

April 24, 2015

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Industry veteran says farewell to RDT and moves into semi-retirement as a consultant
Steve Knight has retired as client services director at RDT, the insurance systems specialist, closing out a career that spans nearly 50 years in insurance technology and software development.

A well-known figure in the insurance industry, Steve began his career in 1966, writing programs in Assembler on an IBM mainframe. From the 1960s up to the present day, he has filled a wide range of senior roles across the industry and his career has traced all the major developments in insurance technology.

“When I started out,” recalls Steve, “we had Hollerith plug boards and rooms full of punch girls entering data from coding pads. We’d never dream of entering our own programs – it was all batch input with no online access in those days. There were no personal computers, laptops or smart phones in the 60s and 70s, just green screens and mainframe giants that were very expensive and time-consuming to program. Nowadays we talk about straight-through processing and big data, but back then you needed a lot of kit in a large room to do very little.”


Moving through the 80s and 90s, Steve remembers the advent of Rapid Application Development, which he describes as a “forerunner of agile”, and the growth of research and development. “Without R&D,” says Steve, “a software house will eventually fail.” His experience of the industry led him to found Wasp Consulting in 1990, an insurance technology consultancy that he led for 18 years and which is still going today. He also launched the fabled Yellow Book, an A-Z of insurance admin solutions for the UK marketplace. He researched, edited and published 31 editions, and was also a frequent media commentator on technology trends. Some people may remember ‘Sting in the tail’, his long-running monthly column in Insurance Systems Bulletin.

During his time with RDT, which he joined in 2012, Steve has seen the company grow from under 50 staff to around 110 today, and he has been a key advocate of the disruptive technology that RDT is building with its insurer-hosted rating hub. “I firmly believe hubs are the way forward for the general insurance industry,” says Steve, “and could be as significant as when direct writers first entered the market. Aspects like telematics, geocoding and the MOJ Portal are important data streams but not game changing in the way that hub technology is.”

Apart from insurer-hosted rating, Steve believes that the MyLicence initiative, Flood Re and the advent of driverless cars will have far reaching effects for general insurance, while product distribution, rule manipulation and advanced analytics will be fundamental in selling insurance products across all sectors of the marketplace. He is cautiously optimistic when it comes to agile software development, seeing it as a valuable framework but one that needs careful management of costs and timeframes.

When it comes to packaged software, Steve says there is still work to be done: “When I first started offering packages, companies essentially wanted a black box solution. Then we saw a period when toolsets were offered, followed by software houses offering a starter for 10 with the rest customised. Although some or all of these variants still exist, insurers are again looking for black box-type solutions. But the issue is still integration – after all these years, plug and play is yet to arrive.”

Although stepping down from full-time work, Steve will have a continuing role as a freelance IT consultant. With a career spanning 50 years, he still has much to offer an industry that has changed dramatically since the 1960s and is now entering an era when big data and sophisticated analytics are redefining the way insurance is sold.

Click here to find out about RDT and our range of insurance software solutions.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

What does Big Data mean to your organisation?

April 22, 2015

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What does Big Data mean to your organisation?
We have all heard of Big Data. It’s the collating of large amounts of information so it can be analysed to reveal patterns or associations, with the findings being applied to a specific scenario – such as the calculation of an insurance premium.

MyLicence is a great example of Big Data working for the motor insurance industry. Using the MyLicence initiative, brokers and insurers are able to download data from the DVLA and, based on the returned information, can alter insurance premiums quoted to drivers.


There is an article by Lloyds of London which discusses Big Data in more detail. How do you see Big Data helping your organisation in the future?

Click here to find out about RDT and our range of insurance software solutions.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Agile – Software Delivery at RDT

April 21, 2015

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Agile – Software Delivery at RDT
At the heart of RDT are seven delivery teams who innovate, develop and support our products. It is important to create the right environment for them to do this and deliver value to our customers. At RDT we use a style of working called Agile to achieve this.

Agile is an umbrella term for a number of lightweight delivery methods that were put together in 2001 by a group of leading business thinkers. They created the Agile Manifesto and 12 supporting principles, which together represent the ethos we want to create in our teams.


At RDT we use the Agile practice of “scrum” for the basis of our project management framework.

This means that our teams work in two- week “sprints” to deliver high-quality software to our clients. At the beginning of each sprint we refine the requirements before planning out what needs to be done. We work together in a highly collaborative way, so it can get a little noisy! Once we have completed the sprint, we sit down with our customers to review what we have achieved, and to discuss if further changes are required. Our teams are continuously striving for improvement and come together regularly to discuss what processes or practices can be improved. We then start the two-week sprint cycle again.

There is a 30 second video which gives a visual representation of the sprint cycle here which you may find useful.

Click here to find out about RDT and our range of insurance software solutions.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

RDT and Markerstudy up for joint British Insurance Award

April 16, 2015

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2015 British Insurance Award
RDT is very proud to announce that its Insurer-Hosted Rating Hub has been shortlisted for a Technology Award at this year’s British Insurance Awards. These are the UK’s most prestigious and influential insurance awards, considered a showcase for the industry’s highest level of innovation and performance. The awards will be presented at the Royal Albert Hall in London on July 8 – good luck everyone!

Click here to find out more.


Thursday, 2 April 2015

RDT’s rating hub helps Markerstudy scoop international award

April 2, 2015

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Award for Markerstudy
Insurer Markerstudy discovered a new benefit of using RDT’s products this week when it was named as a 2015 Celent Model Insurer – thanks to its implementation of the software provider’s Insurer-Hosted Rating Hub.
The motor specialist won the award, in the Data Mastery and Analytics category, because of its success with RDT’s hub and its new Big Data Insight Project, built using platforms from two other providers. The combined projects scored highly with the judges, who rated nominations based on quantitative success, level of innovation, technology or integration excellence, and best practice.
The trophy was presented on Monday (March 23) at New York’s Carnegie Hall during research and advisory firm Celent’s annual Innovation and Insight Day.

After the presentation RDT CEO Mark Bates said:

“Everyone at RDT is very happy to see the Insurer-Hosted Rating Hub get the recognition it deserves. It’s an industry-disruptive product and in the past two years it has revolutionised the way Markerstudy sells to its customers. I believe it will change the way insurance is sold throughout the industry.”
Markerstudy’s head of IT Dan Fiehn added:

“We are delighted to have won the Data Mastery and Analytics Award. Working closely with RDT, SAS and Cloudera, we’ve taken significant steps in putting our digital strategy at the forefront of our business and we’re thrilled to have our accomplishments in this arena recognised.”
Markerstudy was the first insurer to implement RDT’s rating hub, going live with it in 2013. Since then the insurer has seen a steady growth in volume and a 3.5 percent reduction in loss ratio on an already profitable book of business. The hub currently processes 20 million quotes a day, predicted to rise to a staggering 40 million a day by 2016.
These figures underline the hub’s ability to centralise, accelerate and streamline the distribution of quotes, while its use of data enrichment at point of quote enables the insurer to know far more about its customers than before. The result for Markerstudy is a 60 percent cut in application fraud which, added to the other benefits, means enhanced business performance and a better bottom line – a significant advantage in the highly competitive motor market.